Aurélien Gâteau

Pixel Wheels 0.14.1

written on Monday, November 18, 2019

Last week I released version 0.14.1 of Pixel Wheels (I am a bit late with the announcement, it has been a busy week).

The "Side buttons" input mode

I am happy to say this is the first release to include changes from other contributors, thanks to Tim Schumacher and Julien Bolard!

Here are the most important changes:

  • [Mobile] A new touch input mode has been added: "Side buttons". It shows left and right steering buttons in the bottom corners of the screen and a trigger bonus button in the middle right of the screen. Hold left and right simultaneously to go backward.

  • There is now a sound when driving in water.

  • Tiny-sur-mer track: Several holes have been plugged and missing fences have been added (#48).

  • Adjusted the probabilities of bonuses so that all bonuses have a chance to be selected. You still have more chance to get a mine than a gun or missile when your rank is high (#46, by Tim Schumacher).

  • Touching or clicking a selected image validates the user choice (By Julien Bolard).

  • [Desktop] UI elements now gets focus when hovering over them with the mouse (By Tim Schumacher).

  • Fixed sound not coming back after pressing restart (#22).

  • Use the vehicle name instead of the vehicle id in the championship finished screen (#51).

  • Activating a bonus requires a button press instead of holding the button (#56, by Tim Schumacher).

  • The back button in the game mode selection screen is now clickable (by Tim Schumacher).

  • Fixed crash when pressing up/down in the keyboard config screen (by Tim Schumacher).

  • Fixed Continue buttons in track and vehicle selection screens not working (by Tim Schumacher).

The complete list of changes is available in the changelog.

Interestingly, this release is 0.14.1 and not 0.14.0 because when I uploaded the apk for 0.14.0 to Google Play, its automated touch monkey detected a crash in the menu system. I fixed it and uploaded 0.14.1. I am not happy that bug slipped in, but I am glad Google Play caught it before it hit players!

As usual, this release is available from Pixel Wheels project page.

This post was tagged gamedev and pixelwheels