Aurélien Gâteau

June status update, releases galore!

written on Saturday, July 6, 2024


Last month was a release month! As I hinted in my previous status update, I had a bunch of overdue releases to publish, and I am happy to report they all went out!


On June 16, I released Clyde 0.8.0. This new version does not bring game-changing modifications, but it makes Clyde nicer to use.

I am especially happy with clyde doc new ability to list the URLs for the homepage and repository of a package: this ensures there is always a way to get a bit of information about a given app.


On June 24, I released SFXR-Qt 1.5.1. I wrote a short article about this new version if you want to know more.

Burger Party

On June 30, I released Burger Party 1.4.4. This new release makes the game available in another new language: this time it's Hungarian, thanks to Balázs Úr!

Burger Party in Hungarian

What's next?

In July we will probably see a new Pixel Wheels release, stay tuned!

This post was tagged burgerparty, clyde, sfxr-qt and statusupdate