Back from All-hands + UDS Karmic
written on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Except for some (now considered) minor issue, All-hands and UDS Karmic were both amazing!
I came back exhausted, but I feel like I really know the company much better now. I am also very happy with the progress we made concerning the cooperation between Canonical Desktop Experience Team and the Kubuntu community. More on this soon hopefully...
Social events were great as well... my favorite moment is probably sebas, rgreening and me performing an interpretation of Barbie Girl at the karaoke... hopefully this was not recorded (I do not dare visiting youtube anymore)
I hacked a bit on some cool stuff too... First, I experimented with Solid to create a picture importer for Gwenview. You can find a proof of concept of this on github.
It's very simple: it asks you for an event name, and then proceed to import all pictures to ~/photos/<year>/<event>/
, renaming them according to the exif shoot date. When done it asks you whether you want to remove the pictures from the device. The final version will probably also give you the choice between importing all pictures or only a selection. This will be useful when you have pictures from multiple events.
It's written with PyKDE right now, but I will probably have to rewrite it in C++ before integrating it in KDE.
I also hacked on another tool, but I'll blog about this later...