About DBusMenu, holidays, and other hacks...
written on Thursday, April 29, 2010
Due to some bad reading of KDE SC 4.5 release schedule (I thought dependency freeze was on April, 26th, when it has been postponed to May, 11th), I committed support for DBusMenu to kdelibs on Sunday (25th) evening, right before taking a week off for holidays...
Suffice it to say it was not a really good timing. While the code has been in reviewboard for some time, it missed at least a proper one-week announcement, a separate post to the build system mailing-list and a developer who is not on vacation to quickly sort out issues. Thanks to those who pointed out my mistakes. One learns everyday, I shall remember this when I need to add another dependency to kdelibs.
If you are curious about DBusMenu, you can read my previous post about it. Additionally, I will be giving a talk about it at Akademy 2010.
While on holidays, apart from babysitting my 7 month-old and fixing various stuff in the house, I found some time to work a bit on Gwenview, with the focus on getting rid of most, if not all, places where the UI could freeze because of a lengthy task. It's not in svn yet, but should be soon. You probably won't find a lot of changes in Gwenview 2.5, but you should at least get a more responsive interface.