Getting menubars out of application windows, episode II... the missing screencast
written on Monday, July 5, 2010
As promised in my first post about getting menubars out of application windows, here is the missing screencast: application menus in KDE, with GTK+ support.
There is still work to do, in particular getting GTK+ menus correctly ordered. I need to investigate whether the problem is in Plasma import or in the GTK+ export steps. Things are moving quite well though: icons and shortcuts are back, quite a few bugs got fixed and we have the beginning of a fallback menu (the menu which is shown when a menubar-less window is active, or when no window are active)
Ubuntu Lucid users can try this using the Unity PPA. If you want to build it yourself, you will need:
- The Qt patch, which you can find in the appmenu branch of my Gitorious fork of Qt
- DBusMenuQt:
- The Plasma menubar widget: